
Grilled Lamb Chops, Mama Ía

Barbacoa in Onteniente, and some Birthdays

Grilled Lamb Chops, Mama ÍaI remember vividly my brother-in-law Jorge’s comments on his first visit to our house in Indiana a number of years ago. It was with the occasion of a very American ritual: the barbecue. Jorge, a veterinarian turned the purchasing director at the meat department of a large Spanish supermarket chain, and who, since the last couple of years (more…)

Roasted Leg of Lamb

Roasted Leg of Lamb with Garlic and Rosemary

Roasted Leg of Lamb

It looks like the twenty five days of Christmas movies marathon is over on television. In fact, it was over the day after Christmas. It always makes me smile. Many Christmas trees will be recycled one day or two after Christmas Day. And yet, Christmas season starts on Christmas Day, and goes on for twelve days, until (more…)