

Chicken with Cumin and Pimentón Dressing —and planning a vegetable garden (PART 1)

Chicken with cumin and pimentón, Mama Ía blogThe recipe I’m sharing today, chicken with cumin and pimentón dressing and tomato arugula salad holds flavors that remind me of summers in Spain —grilled meats, pimentón and fresh vegetables in one single dish. The grilled chicken has the right amount of heat to please every palate at the table, and the tomato arugula salad, with a dressing that incorporates the flavors of the marinade, blend beautifully in this very summery dish.

This is the summer of what could have been and will not be. Of plans that came undone and yet thankfulness for our health. Of “what if‘s” that have affected us all.

Brothers, Mama ía blogNeighbors, Mama ía blogAs I write this, I should have been in Spain for three weeks now, expecting the rest of my family to arrive today. We would have been heading to the beach on Sunday for a week of family time and fun, relaxation and tapas bars hopping, beach games (more…)

Dinner rolls three ways, Mama ía blog

Dinner Rolls Three Ways, and an Autumnal Tablescape

Dinner rolls three ways, Mama ía blogI hope I get to your table in time for you to make these tasty dinner rolls three ways, because they should be on your Thanksgiving menu. I’m serious! They will be a hit. If you can’t fit them into your cooking and baking schedule for the day, plan on making them the day before, freeze them in freezer bags (I vacuum pack them) and defrost outside of the bags a couple of hours before your Thanksgiving dinner. That’s exactly what I am doing.

Autumn tablescape, Mama ía blog (more…)

Spicy pork chops and asparagus with manchego

Spicy Pork Chops and Roasted Asparagus with Manchego, dinner in thirty minutes

Spicy pork chops and asparagus with manchegoWhen I moved to North America years ago, I had to get used to things that were done differently than in Spain or any other place I had lived in. One of them was schedules, or rather, the times when regular daily activities like meals were done. Lunch in Spain rarely happens before 2 PM, and dinner not before 9 PM, at the earliest. I’m not saying (more…)