comunidad valenciana

Coca de pasas y nueces, Mama Ía blog

Coca de Pasas y Nueces, Raisins and Walnuts Cake —and David, our High School Graduate and Salutatorian

Coca de pasas y nueces, Mama Ía blogWhat a whirlwind the last few months have been. There’s been travel (a lot of it!), for celebrations, for vacation and for soccer. But most importantly, there have been milestones and “the last of” for my son David. I’ve been able to prepare a few recipes to share on the blog, but for this post, I wanted a sweet one, coca de pasas y nueces, raisins and walnuts cake, because sweet always means celebration.

Pasas y nueces, Mama Ía blog

David graduate, Mama Ía blogI will tell you about some of the trips in future posts, but for now, I want to celebrate David. Because my youngest, the “baby,” is wrapping up his life as a minor (he turned 18 this month!) as a high school student (he just graduated!), and (more…)

Soupy rice with langoustines, Mama Ía blog

Creamy Rice with Langoustines —and beach days in Spain, two years later

Soupy rice with langoustines, Mama Ía blogI am missing fish, and I am missing shellfish. My brother-in-law Jaime makes the richest, most flavorful arroz con bogavante, soupy rice with lobster, and while I’m not able to replicate it here in Indiana, this creamy rice with langoustines is the best close second. So whenever I find whole shrimp at the store —that is, shrimp with the heads on, or even langoustines if I’m really lucky— I’ll make it.  

Langoustines, Mama Ía blog

Alcocebre, Mama Ía blogThis is what happened recently —I found langoustines!—, and I couldn’t wait to share with you my recipe for creamy rice with langoustines, a dish that (more…)

Blackberry lavender ice cream, Mama ía blog

Blackberry Lavender Ice Cream, Saying Farewell to Summer

Blackberry lavender ice cream, Mama ía blog

Lavender fields, Mama ía blog

Lavender fields in Brihuega, Spain

I am drawn to lavender. If I have to choose between scents, that will be the one I choose, whether it be hand soap or dish soap, laundry detergent or air freshener, lavender is my scent. I don’t know why, I think it is its freshness, but it could be its color, too (you just have to have a look at my closet!). But most of all, (more…)