comfort food

Broken eggs, huevos rotos, Mama Ía blog

Broken Eggs with Serrano Ham, and the Naval Medal of Merit

Broken eggs, huevos rotos, Mama Ía blogThe eggs in this recipe don’t look perfect but, who cares! They will be broken up just before serving to blend their flavor and texture to that of the other ingredients in the dish. They are huevos rotos, broken eggs, after all.

Naval Medal of Merit, Cruz al Mérito Naval, Mama Ía blog

Naval Medal of Merit, Cruz al Mérito Naval, Mama Ía blog

Huevos rotos con jamón, broken eggs with serrano ham, are a comfort food dish in Spain. It’s a dish probably made in every household in the country, with different variations between them. In fact, one will usually (more…)

Chickpeas and Swiss chard stew, Mama Ía blog

Potaje de Cuaresma, Chickpeas and Swiss Chard Stew, for Lent — and Fallas!

Chickpeas and Swiss chard stew, Mama Ía blogPotaje de Cuaresma, sopa de vigilia, caldo de Cuaresma, are all names that refer to the same dish. The name would translate literally to “vigil stew” or “Lent stew” in English, but we’ll call it chickpeas and Swiss chard stew for the purposes of this blog. 

Fallas Valencia 2022, Mama Ía blog

Valencia’s Fallas 2022, celebrated as it was before the pandemic

Chickpeas and Swiss chard stew, Mama Ía blog

The original or most typical version of it in Spain also includes cod. However, I omitted it today and made it a more simple dish, not only appropriate for Lent but also for a vegetarian diet.

The origin of this dish, like many other Spanish dishes, can be found (more…)

Beef stew with sherry sauce, Mama Ía blog

Beef Stew with Sherry Sauce, and Winter Days in Valencia

Beef stew with sherry sauce, Mama Ía blogBeef stew with sherry sauce is not the recipe I would have wanted to post/make, but climate made me. Where is Spring? We eagerly received it a month ago, soon after confinement was mandated, but the weather keeps telling us it’s not time for warm temperatures yet. In a way, it could be a good thing, as I would personally rather be watching a gray day outside than a sunny one, given the circumstances that keeps us indoors.

Beef stew with sherry sauce is a recipe I wanted to post last January, but for one reason or another I didn’t. These days we are seeing more and more people spending time in the kitchen, trying new recipes or simply (more…)

Chicken with prunes, Mama Ía blog

Braised Chicken with Prunes, January (or February) is for Comfort Food

Chicken with prunes, Mama Ía blogA very early flight for the last of my adult sons return to college marked the end of the holiday season and the return to the routine. And routine, for me, means familiar dishes, comfort food. Braised chicken with prunes is a dish that brings me back to the normal, to the every day, with the familiarity and reassurance of what is known and expected.

Piano recital, Mama ía blogChicken with prunes, Mama Ía blog

The last weeks of the year were some of nonstop cooking, with relatives and friends coming and going, not to mention my two sons back home for the season. I made fancy dishes and (more…)

Lentil butternut squash soup, Mama ía blog

Lentil and Butternut Squash Soup, ‘Tis the Season

Lentil and butternut squash soup, Mama ía blogDo you have the feeling that the Christmas and winter holiday season was ages ago? I certainly do, not so much because a long time has passed, but because so many events and activities have happened since. And I’m not talking about out of the ordinary or amazing events. In fact, January is probably one of those months (September would be another one) when everything goes back to normal —the restart of old routines, the beginning of new projects; but more than anything, a month of inwardness, of restarts, of cleaning and organizing, in literal and figurative terms. In one word, January is a month of resetting. This lentil and butternut squash soup, that I make often during winter, seemed appropriate for this time of year (a particularly cold January).

Lentil and butternut squash, Mama ía blogLentil and butternut squash soup, Mama ía blog (more…)

Meatballs in wine sauce, albóndigas en salsa, Mama Ía blog

Meatballs in Wine Sauce, Albóndigas en Salsa, a Classic

Meatballs in wine sauce, albóndigas, Mama Ía blogMeatballs in wine sauce, albóndigas en salsa, are a classic Spanish dish. Growing up, they were a favorite, and I think it’s safe to say children and adults alike love them. At home, and at most homes in Spain, they are accompanied by potatoes, that marry so well with the sauce they’re cooked in. My mom made them with cubed (more…)