coffee time

Coca de pasas y nueces, Mama Ía blog

Coca de Pasas y Nueces, Raisins and Walnuts Cake —and David, our High School Graduate and Salutatorian

Coca de pasas y nueces, Mama Ía blogWhat a whirlwind the last few months have been. There’s been travel (a lot of it!), for celebrations, for vacation and for soccer. But most importantly, there have been milestones and “the last of” for my son David. I’ve been able to prepare a few recipes to share on the blog, but for this post, I wanted a sweet one, coca de pasas y nueces, raisins and walnuts cake, because sweet always means celebration.

Pasas y nueces, Mama Ía blog

David graduate, Mama Ía blogI will tell you about some of the trips in future posts, but for now, I want to celebrate David. Because my youngest, the “baby,” is wrapping up his life as a minor (he turned 18 this month!) as a high school student (he just graduated!), and (more…)

A treat from Andalusia, made usually during Lent and easter.

Pestiños, an Andalusian Lent and Easter treat

Pestiños, Mama Ía blogWith the end of the season of Lent and the beginning of that of Easter, I bring you a Spanish treat typical of this season, pestiños. Don’t ask me to translate it, because I would have a hard time doing it. You’ll have to call it by its original name, and I will help you pronounce it: pehs-teen-yohs. 

Holy Week in Spain, Mama Ía blog

Holy Week processions in Sevilla. Holy Wednesday, Hermandad del Baratillo – Brotherhood of Baratillo

Pestiños, Mama Ía blog

The season calls for Lent and Easter meals, with meatless, savory ones enjoyed on Fridays and sweet ones (many of them) enjoyed on Easter, when traditionally lenten promises and (more…)

Chococlate almond tart with blackberries, Mama ía

Chocolate Almond Tart with Blackberries —and Memories of a Gathering of Women

Chocolate almond tart with blackberries, Mama íaIt is said that the sense of smell is the most evocative of all senses, and this chocolate almond tart with blackberries made me think of it, not only because of the current aroma in my kitchen (I wish food blogs could be not only visual but carry the fragance of the dishes to their readers!), but because of what it (more…)