Mashed Red Potatoes with Olive Oil
This is a very short post, because the recipe was posted in the Braised Short Ribs in Two Wines Sauce post. I like accompanying mashed potatoes with any meat with a very flavorful sauce, and the two wines sauce, made with sherry and red wine, and shallots, garlic and leek, is unbeatable. But I particularly like these red potatoes, for their color and for the less than smooth texture the peel gives the dish.

Puré de Patatas Rojas con Aceite de Oliva
2 lbs medium red potatoes
1 tsp salt
2 Tbs olive oil
2 Tbs butter
1/4 cup warm milk
Fresh Ground Pepper
Place the unpeeled potatoes in a stock pot filled about two thirds with cold water (if necessary, cut the potatoes in half). Add the salt and bring the water to a boil. Lower the heat to medium and let the potatoes cook until tender when pierced with a fork, about 20-25 minutes. Drain well and return the potatoes to the pot.
Over very low heat, start mashing the potatoes with a potato masher or with a fork. Add the butter and the milk and continue to mash. Add salt and pepper to taste, drizzle the olive oil, and fold it in the potatoes. Transfer the mashed potatoes to a serving bowl and keep warm until serving.