Citrus Marinated Salmon —and musings on Christmas preparedness
Here we are again, days away from a major feast, with a recipe I would love you to make —because, trust me, your guests will love it! I serve citrus marinated salmon as an appetizer, and it’s always a hit. Pretty simple to make, it looks and feels as if you took special time and care to make it, as something special, for a special occasion. The occasion is certainly special (Christmas), but the dish is not complicated. The main thing you have to remember is to make it at least 3 days before you plan on having it.

It seems like yesterday that we were celebrating around the Thanksgiving table, and in just a few days, Christmas. These holidays have a new special meaning at our house, because all the boys will be home. We’ve celebrated Thanksgiving with our friends since the boys (five of them all together) were babies. Some of them are independent or semi independent now. Some have girlfriends. Only one is still at home. A time of change, of growing up. The cycle of life.

One thing, though, hasn’t changed: these boys love to eat! And they have pretty sophisticated palates. I could say we’ve taught them well. But the fact of the matter is they have been exposed to different flavors (what some would call “adult” flavors) all their lives. Dried cherry and caramelized pecan goat cheese torta and citrus marinated salmon were two appetizers I served at Thanksgiving, and they were a success. The recipe for the goat cheese torta was the first one I posted on Mama Ía blog (find it here). Today I bring you the one for citrus marinated salmon, perfect for Christmas.

Are you ready for Christmas? I hear this question all the time lately. This year, Thanksgiving and Christmas have come very close together, so the answer, when I’m asked, is no, I’m not ready! But what does it mean, being ready, anyway? For many, the presents are bought and wrapped, the cookies are baked, the house is decorated, the Christmas tree is up and lit, and the front door says come in, you’re welcome. We’ve attended one or two or more Christmas concerts, two, three or more parties, and by the time Christmas Eve comes, we might even feel a smidge worn out from all this Christmas readiness and preparations.
I’m not a Christmas downer, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that I feel all this Christmas preparation leads to a big high on Christmas Day, and then –nothing: Christmas is over. Wrapping paper and cartons fill the recycling bin, we feast on leftovers, lights slowly but eventually are turned off… and the big Christmas preparations come down to an abrupt stop. That is –here in the States! In Spain, Christmas starts on the eve of December 24, and doesn’t end until the feast of the Epiphany, January 6, which leaves more time to really enjoy the season and what we celebrate.
I’m still preparing for Christmas –yes, I mean that kind of preparing. I’m still wrapping presents. And I haven’t even started baking (big gasp!: the food blogger doesn’t have one single cookie to offer). Two sons are home, the third will fly in tomorrow. So that might have to do with it. It’s almost a new situation. And as of this year, Santa is not as magical as he was (I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that my baby’s growing up, too).

I’ve been spending (investing!) time promoting Yo fui el primero, my first novel, of which I talked about in a previous post (click here), and the efforts are bringing in wonderful fruits: Yo fui el primero has been mentioned by national news outlets in Spain, and has been included in an international program promoted by CEU University and the Valencia Armed Forces that will bring the story of the first circumnavigation of Elcano and Magellan to schools around the world. Needless to say, I’m thrilled about it.
But I’m also preparing for Christmas. The other kind of preparing. The Advent kind.
Are you ready?
PS: any book worm in your Christmas list? History lovers? Adventure readers? Yo fui el primero comes in ebook and in paperback, and makes an excellent Christmas present (note: the book is in Spanish). Click on the links for direct access, and in Spain, here (ebook) and here (paperback)
Merry Christmas
Salmón Marinado a los Cítricos
One 3 Lb cut of salmon, preferably center cut
1 orange
1 lemon
1 cup kosher salt
1 cup granulated sugar
1 bunch fresh dill
For serving:
2 Tbs small capers
1 hard boiled egg
Crackers or toasted baguette slices
Save some dill for decorating, mince the rest and place it in a medium bowl. Finely zest the orange and the lemon. Add them to the bowl with the minced dill (reserve the fruit for another use). Add the salt and the sugar and mix all the ingredients well.
Place a large sheet of parchment paper on a baking dish and spread half of the dry marinade in the center of the paper. Place the salmon on top, skin side down. Spread the remaining marinade over the salmon and cover it completely. Fold the parchment paper over the salmon and place another sheet of parchment paper over it, wrapping everything tightly with plastic foil. Place another baking dish on top of the wrapped salmon and weigh down by placing a vegetable can on top.
Place in the fridge and chill for 2 to 3 days, but no longer than 3 days. Unwrap the fish and wipe off the marinade with a kitchen towel (do not rinse). Using a long, sharp knife, cut very thin slices of salmon at a 45º angle (wipe the blade occasionally between slices). Place on a serving platter and sprinkle with the remaining dill. Serve with toasts or crackers, topped with chopped boiled egg and cappers, or with a squeeze of lemon.
December 23, 2019 @ 6:06 pm
Sounds delicious!
Is this a Spanish dish?
December 25, 2019 @ 1:50 am
It is so good! This is a Spanish recipe, but I’m sure there are variations of it in other countries.
¡Felices fiestas!
Natacha xx
December 28, 2019 @ 5:33 pm
You are right, it is so good! I had one pound center cut salmon and followed this recipe. I posted on my FaceBook and so many of my friends asked the recipe which I gladly shared. Thanks for this super easy and delicious recipe!
December 29, 2019 @ 1:03 am
I am so glad to hear! My recipes are not complicated and they turn out really good at home, but I’m always curious to hear about how they work for my friend readers. Thank you for sharing your experience!
If you would be so kind as to naming my blog when you share the recipe, I’d really appreciate it. Thank you and happy cooking!
Natacha xx
December 29, 2019 @ 1:16 am
Yes, of course! I always link your blog page when I share your recipe.
I agree. Your recipes are simple, clear and easy to follow and, they are delicious! Thanks for that!
December 29, 2019 @ 1:29 am
Thank you, I very much appreciate it! More recipes to come 🙂
Natacha xx