Meat and Poultry

Standing beef rib roast, Mama Ía blog

Standing Beef Rib Roast with Red Wine Jus, and Edinburgh, a fairytale city

Standing beef rib roast, Mama Ía blogWhat could be more appropriate than a roast recipe to accompany a post about the UK? Rosemary and thyme standing beef rib roast with red wine jus is the recipe and Edinburgh, Scotland, the destination!

In the last post, I covered a lot of what we did in London, but it got a bit long before I could even start to tell you about Edinburgh. And Edinburgh deserved the attention! That’s why I am keeping my word and sharing some photos and stories of this historic, fairytale city, the capital of Scotland. If you have visited it, you know what I’m talking about.

Edinburgh, Mama Ía blogEdinburgh, Mama Ía blogBut first, about this standing beef rib roast. Standing beef rib roast is not an inexpensive dish, I have to warn you. That is why I’m (more…)

Spice and rosemary pork roast, Mama Ía blog

Spice and Rosemary Pork Roast with Onions, and the festive awaiting of Advent

Spice and rosemary pork roast, Mama Ía blogThe preparations, the excitement, the arrival of loved ones to spend the holidays together. I want to help you out by offering a recipe that looks and tastes extra special but that it’s easy to make and will not break the bank: spice and rosemary pork roast with onions.

Spice and rosemary pork roast, Mama Ía blogThanksgiving Mama Ía blog

The weeks leading from Thanksgiving to Christmas are some of the busiest of the year and yet, when Advent starts, they should become some of the most still and serene. Easy to say but hard to achieve, right? And if you’re (more…)

Meat barbacoa parrillada, Mama ía blog

Meat barbacoa, parrillada

Meats barbacoa parrillada, Mama ía blogIt’s only fitting that today’s post be a follow-up to the last one, Cooking a la Plancha, Seafood the Spanish Way!, given that that’s a customary cookout when we are in Spain. It’s common with meats too! On this long, Labor Day weekend, the unofficial end of summer and a popular weekend for cooking outdoors, try meat barbacoa, parrillada! 

Meats barbacoa parrillada, Mama ía blogBarbacoa, Mama ía blogOnly the temperatures outdoors indicate that summer is still here, because the Fall routines started a few weeks ago with the start of school. Granted, not very many (more…)

Chicken lemon and capers in a port sauce, Mama Ía blog

Chicken with lemon and capers in a port sauce —and splashing in Alcocebre and Onteniente, Summer 2022

Chicken lemon and capers in a port sauce, Mama Ía blogI hope you had or are having a wonderful summer. I have been in back-to-work mode for a while, and thought that chicken with lemon and capers in a port sauce was a recipe worth of being the first one of the new “school year “.

Pou Clar, Mama Ía blogAlcocebre, Mama Ía blog

If you have been a regular follower or subscriber of Mama Ía blog for a while, you know that in the summer, the blog takes a short hiatus. This is the time when, more than blogging, I am “researching“. Okay, okay, that’s (more…)

Roast chicken with potatoes and shallots, Mama Ía blog

Roasted chicken with seasoned potatoes and shallots , weeknight meals made easy

Roast chicken with potatoes and shallots, Mama Ía blogI am often asked about simple meals —as in easy to make—, for mid-week dinners. Today’s recipe, roasted chicken with seasoned potatoes and shallots, is one of those meals. 

Roast chicken with potatoes and shallots, Mama Ía blogSaints futbol 2021, Mama Ia blog

I have a simple method (or a little secret) to decide if a recipe is easy to make or if it’s time consuming: if it requires (more…)

Chicken tagine, Mama Ía blog

Chicken tagine, and the Moroccan influence

Chicken tagine, Mama Ía blogThere are many recipes for chicken tagine, and this is one of them, the one I make most often at home, because it’s a crowdpleaser. Okay, I have to confess that some people in my family don’t like olives (go figure!) But they can easily set them aside on this dish. Other than that, If you are like my family, you’re going to love this dish, not only because it’s so satisfying, so nutritious, so balanced and so flavorful, but because it brightens up a table and brings the family and friends together.

La Mamounia, Marrakech, Mama Ía blog

Tagine is the ultimate Moroccan dish. There are probably as many tagine dishes as households in Morocco, with different kinds of meats, fish and vegetables. Tagine (more…)

Chicken with Cumin and Pimentón Dressing —and planning a vegetable garden (PART 1)

Chicken with cumin and pimentón, Mama Ía blogThe recipe I’m sharing today, chicken with cumin and pimentón dressing and tomato arugula salad holds flavors that remind me of summers in Spain —grilled meats, pimentón and fresh vegetables in one single dish. The grilled chicken has the right amount of heat to please every palate at the table, and the tomato arugula salad, with a dressing that incorporates the flavors of the marinade, blend beautifully in this very summery dish.

This is the summer of what could have been and will not be. Of plans that came undone and yet thankfulness for our health. Of “what if‘s” that have affected us all.

Brothers, Mama ía blogNeighbors, Mama ía blogAs I write this, I should have been in Spain for three weeks now, expecting the rest of my family to arrive today. We would have been heading to the beach on Sunday for a week of family time and fun, relaxation and tapas bars hopping, beach games (more…)

Beef stew with sherry sauce, Mama Ía blog

Beef Stew with Sherry Sauce, and Winter Days in Valencia

Beef stew with sherry sauce, Mama Ía blogBeef stew with sherry sauce is not the recipe I would have wanted to post/make, but climate made me. Where is Spring? We eagerly received it a month ago, soon after confinement was mandated, but the weather keeps telling us it’s not time for warm temperatures yet. In a way, it could be a good thing, as I would personally rather be watching a gray day outside than a sunny one, given the circumstances that keeps us indoors.

Beef stew with sherry sauce is a recipe I wanted to post last January, but for one reason or another I didn’t. These days we are seeing more and more people spending time in the kitchen, trying new recipes or simply (more…)

Chicken with prunes, Mama Ía blog

Braised Chicken with Prunes, January (or February) is for Comfort Food

Chicken with prunes, Mama Ía blogA very early flight for the last of my adult sons return to college marked the end of the holiday season and the return to the routine. And routine, for me, means familiar dishes, comfort food. Braised chicken with prunes is a dish that brings me back to the normal, to the every day, with the familiarity and reassurance of what is known and expected.

Piano recital, Mama ía blogChicken with prunes, Mama Ía blog

The last weeks of the year were some of nonstop cooking, with relatives and friends coming and going, not to mention my two sons back home for the season. I made fancy dishes and (more…)

Pimiemtos de piquillo de carne, meat stuffed piquillo peppers, Mama ía blog

Meat Stuffed Piquillo Peppers, and my book, “Yo Fui el Primero”

Pimiemtos de piquillo de carne, meat stuffed piquillo peppers, Mama ía blogI have been away from these pages for too long. You know it, I know it. So to make up for it, I bring you a star recipe: pimientos de piquillo de carne, meat stuffed piquillo peppers. I still have to find one person I’ve served these peppers to that doesn’t like them. They are a crowd pleaser, and I make them on special occasions, precisely because they are so special. I make piquillo peppers stuffed with meat as well as stuffed with cod, and both varieties are just as delicious, and a success among family and guests alike.

Yo fui el primero, Natacha Sanz Caballero

Piquillo peppers, bright red and triangular in shape, grow in Navarra, in the north of Spain, and you purchase them either (more…)