Desserts and Sweets

Zucchini layer cake, Mama Ía blog

Zucchini Layer Cake –and building a Vegetable Garden (Part 2)

Print RecipeZucchini layer cake, Mama Ía blogIf you like carrot cake, you’re going to love zucchini layer cake. The first time I made zucchini loaf bread I couldn’t even imagine you could put zucchini into a dessert. Yet, the result was outstanding. Less known than its cousin the banana nut loaf bread, zucchini bread is one to discover. 

Zucchini cake, Mama Ía blogVegetable garden, Mama Ía blog

For Spaniards, carrot cake is a late discovery, and zucchini loaf bread is a complete unknown. So needless to say, this cake is not a Spanish recipe. You know Mama Ía blog is the place for Spanish cooking in America. But as I say in (more…)

Triple cheesecake with amaretti crust, Mama ía blog

Triple cheesecake with Amaretti crust and Caramelized Blood Oranges ––a glimpse into confinement

Triple cheesecake with amaretti crust, Mama ía blogHave you noticed something different in this post? Okay, you will have to scroll all the way down to the recipe. Which by the way, you’re going to love. It’s a triple cheesecake with amaretti crust and caramelized blood oranges. What a combination of flavors! One bite and you’ll realize how they were made to be together. For the amaretti crust —or almond cookie crust—, you’ll be able to use the recipe of my previous post. Those almond cookies are good on their own and they are outstanding for this crust.

Garden 2020, Mama Ía blog

But I’m digressing. Let’s go back to my first sentence: if you scroll down, you will see the look of the recipe has changed. I’ve incorporated a new format that will make it easier for you to (more…)

Almond cookies, amaretti, Mama Ía blog

Almond Cookies (amaretti-like), and a trip to Perugia

Almond cookies, amaretti, Mama Ía blogAlmond cookies, amaretti-like, to sweeten up this very odd situation. It’s hard to believe what’s happening right now in the world. When I remember the times, not that long ago, when we could travel, I can’t help but think that we are living in a dystopian movie, and that, like in the movies, it will have a happy ending.

Perugia, Mama Ía blog

Temple of Sant’Angelo

My flight to Spain this summer has been canceled by the airline due to the pandemic and the closing of borders in many parts of the world (certainly the borders of Spain). I can now only travel in (more…)

Nazareno hot cross bun, Ía Mama a blog

The nazareno, “hot cross bun” from Málaga — Easter at home

Nazareno hot cross bun, Ía Mama a blogWhen I first saw this Easter sweet from Málaga called nazareno, which literally translates as nazarean, my first thought was: hot cross buns! Their look is very similar, so I wonder if they are influenced by each other (maybe a traveler that brought them from one place to the other?). Nazareno, hot cross bun cousin.

Nazareno hot cross bun, Ía Mama a blogMiami, Mama Ía blogA few differences are that, in the nazareno, the raisins are soaked in Málaga‘s sweet wine, and it also incorporates candied fruit and walnuts. As for the cross –characteristic on both of them–, the recipes vary: some use flour and water while some (more…)

Apple cake, Mama Ía blog

Apple cake with caramel glaze, what we need now

Apple cake, Mama Ía blogWe all need some comfort at this time in our lives – this time in humanity‘s life –, and apple cake falls into the category of comfort foods (anything apple, including apple tart, or apple ring fritters). As I’m writing this, in the warmth of confinement at my home in Fort Wayne, I should be in Santa Barbara, California, visiting my son Matthew, whom I haven’t seen since Christmas.

Brothers, Mama ía blog

Holy Week starts Sunday, and many of you had plans to go to the beach, to go skiing, or to participate in the many religious celebrations that would be happening in all parts of the Christian world. No, this is not normal, and one day we will tell our (more…)

Cranberry and lime tartelets, Mama ía blog

Cranberry and Lime Tartelets, and a One Day Visit with Matthew at Purdue

Cranberry and lime tartelets, Mama ía blogWhen I saw this recipe I thought I had to make it. The sugared cranberries, the beautiful creamy pink filling, and the crumbling crust, had my name written on them. But I was a bit weary: sometimes beautiful recipes don’t end up tasting as great as they look.

Purdue University, Mama ía blog

This one, in fact, was no exception, and I had to tweak it to turn it into something quite dazzling, not just in looks but in taste. Cranberry and lime tartelets will be (more…)

Lemon mousse tart, Mama ía blog

Lemon Mousse Tart —and Ethan, from Graduation through first year of University

Lemon mousse tart, Mama ía blogOne year after his graduation from high school, this blog post is for my son Ethan. I wanted to choose a dessert recipe to go with it, something sweet, because that’s how he is. I chose my recipe for lemon mousse tart, a light dessert I’m sure you will love as much as we do at home.

Ethan baccalaureate, Mama ía blog (more…)

Lemon Layer cake with lemon curd buttercream, Mama ía blog

Lemon Layer Cake with Lemon Curd Buttercream and Ginger cookies, a Christmassy Birthday Cake

Lemon layer cake with lemon curd buttercream, Mama ia blogAnother birthday, yay! I’ve learned to embrace them, feeling blessed to be counting one more (thank you, Byron!). Because what’s better than adding one more year of experience to your biography? Spending one more year with your loved ones? Live life fully no matter what your age? So happy birthday to me, and to everyone who can count one more. To celebrate it, a super special cake: lemon layer cake with lemon curd buttercream and ginger cookies.


Flan caramel, Mama ía blog

Flan Caramel, A Classic

Flan caramel, Mama Ía blogFlan, or flan caramel, is one of those desserts I, and everyone my age, grew up with. Actually, it could be the dessert we grew up with. Every mom, every household, would make it, with just slight variations in the recipe. And not only at home, but every restaurant menu would have it, together with peach or pineapple “en almíbar”, in syrup, and different flavors of ice cream, most often chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. When I say this, I don’t mean that flan is an “old” dessert, made long ago, and that has been replaced by others in the 21st-century. Not at all! In fact, flan is a classic that never goes out of style, and shares restaurant menus with many other newer, fancy desserts.

Franke Park bike trails, Mama ía blog


Blackberry lavender ice cream, Mama ía blog

Blackberry Lavender Ice Cream, Saying Farewell to Summer

Blackberry lavender ice cream, Mama ía blog

Lavender fields, Mama ía blog

Lavender fields in Brihuega, Spain

I am drawn to lavender. If I have to choose between scents, that will be the one I choose, whether it be hand soap or dish soap, laundry detergent or air freshener, lavender is my scent. I don’t know why, I think it is its freshness, but it could be its color, too (you just have to have a look at my closet!). But most of all, (more…)